Eva Armengol Rivero. Curs 2014-15
Resumen del proyecto:
Bacteria have several mechanisms to attack targeted cells, such asaffecting the membrane, by internalization etc. A way to affect the membrane is through the effect of toxins that form channels on it. These toxins are produced by bacteria and exported to the environment affecting the integrity of the membrane and subsequently destroying the cell. A genus capable to produce this type of toxins is Bacillus spp., examples of species with this ability are Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringensis. Species of Bacillus spp. were found on tobacco cigarettes; inducing to think that could be possible to facilitate the entry of harmful substances into the cell. These substances could act as carcinogenic molecules, being relevant their study. To study the protein pore-forming activity Black Lipid Bilayer was used. The single channel conductance and ionic selectivity were assayed, showing a clear pore-forming activity. The single channel conductance showed a different average of conductance depending on the salt solution, andthe ionic selectivity showed that the protein preferred anions than cations. The results confirmedthe pore-forming activity; this fact indicates the possibility that these bacteria could form toxins that could affect human cells. The next step is to purify the protein, determine its molecular height and its molecular structure.